Tag Archives: New Technology

A blog is not a business plan

3 Oct

Bamboozled by social media opportunities? Apparently you are not alone. The results of Optus’s first Annual Business Social Media Index showed Small & Medium Business Players (SMPs) were tentative about entering social media with only 28% using any form of social media for enterprise purposes. In total 56% were not using it at all and had no future plans to start. 25% believed that there was no clear way to build a business case for investment in the area.

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Viral and out of control

26 Sep

We all love a great viral campaign. Whether it advertises a product or political message if it reaches its target audience and creates buzz it influences perceptions about brands, products and people.

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Focus on what you can control

25 Sep

Social media and related technologies change at a crazy pace. Why then worry about all those elements you cannot control when there is plenty that you actually do have control over as a marketer. This article focusses on what marketers can control in an online environment and why this is a good strategy to follow.

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